➡️ What are you committing to flipping the switch on starting today? 💖

➡️ What are you committing to flipping the switch on starting today? 💖

💭✨ Visualize your ideal self and how you want to spend each day. This is harder than it seems, however, all small actions add up.

➡️ Here are 🔟 elements I’m focusing on today:

1. ✨ Implement more mindset work into my daily routine⠀

2. 💭 Meditation⠀

3. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Stretching⠀

4. 📒 Journaling (start doing morning pages, meditation, and stretching)⠀

5. 😴 Getting up and getting ready for the day after 8 hours of sleep⠀

6. 👯‍♀️ Regular routine weekly⠀

7. 💖 I love all the positive people in my life, spend more time with them⠀

8. 🙅🏼‍♀️ Filter out people who make me feel less than or are straight up negative. BYEEEE⠀

9. ❌ Eliminate negative thoughts and fears⠀

10. 💕 Repeat affirmations

✨ Some of these items I’ve mastered already. Some of them I need major focus and attention towards. Regardless, they’re on my radar.

📒 Write down at least 3️⃣ things you’re committed to today & SHARE below! 💖⬇️
